Monday, August 28, 2017

Mount Talamitam Is My Maiden Mountain. What's Yours?

Look, I'd really like to share details just like travel blogs but I am sure you will find loads of blogs like that available already. I am not sure though if you can find one similar to what I will post below because I did try to look for one.

So let's keep this very simple. I'd like to share photos from my first hike and these are macro-shots of plants and insects I found. These photos have been taken by an unprofessional photographer who just loves to document her travels.

If that's what you want to see, then feel free to scroll below.


Why I'm Travel Blogging Now after Ten Years of Travelling

Well, why not?

Well, seriously its because I usually travel with my family and I consider it something very personal. Thus, unless I feel a strong, compelling reason to share personal photos of my family then that's the only time I'd share it to the public. I would prefer to share with you though photos of majestic landscapes and captivating events that urged me to stop and capture that moment using my handy-dandy point and shoot camera. Although, I finally purchased a DSLR camera which I have yet to unbox and read the manual.
